[This is purely for documentational purposes, as IG has decided to terminate the project’s progress. There is a chance that I’ve written this part too soon, that the project will continue. I’ll digest these words, if so.]
“pseudo_aleatoric_algorythym” was a short lived experiment in attempting to co-opt followers feeds and give the impression that IG can be seen (and heard, rather) as a sort of randimozed sequencer: a noisebox, “personal” to each user. The goal was to both question the randomness of the users’ algorithms, as well as compose an mock-random musical experience for willing listeners/participants.
The project “about” didn’t say much about itself, or give itself away too quickly. Many questions from users (specifically highschool students, from somewhere in the North American Midwest/ weird, I know) as to what the “purpose” of the whole project was: what did any of this mean?
As I, at the time, didn’t know (I arguably still don’t), I left messages read but unanswered.
I only felt the grieving need to write this and make this page, as it never came to whatever fruition it was supposed to (or maybe? I don’t know).
The original site/handle can be found here.