The Compostmodernist Manifesto
(about: this is an open document, open source manifesto and general thought experiment. All are welcome to contribute, share, add to or remix this manifesto in any way or shape they feel fit. If you would like to alter this document, please consider altering the text color or font of your text, to allow others to track and trace process and individuated thoughts. This text can be accessed here.)
1. Compostmodernism is the conscious composting of scientific, economic, social and creative advancements and the by-product of a repeating cycle of history.
2. Compostmodernism is the act of shoulder-standing: of paying homage and respect to those communities and figures who came before us.
3. Compostmodernism nods directly at Platonism.
4. Compostmodernism supports synthetic genius- that all objects, physical and abstract, were inspired by at least one that came before and that all ideas will give way and foundations to future permutations.
5. Compostmodernism aims to disrupt colonial narratives of explicit ownership and history.
6. Compostmodernism is an ode to remix culture and a reimagining of new possibilities with present and past building blocks.
7. Compostmodernism trades hierarchical competition in creative markets for a self-supporting community that may hope to see its goals met by collective efforts.
8. Compostmodernism is the bludgeoning of an inbred desire to be "better than" and of an innate fear of total inadequacy in the face of otherness.
9. Compostmodernism is a wake up call from aesthetic amnesia- a remembering that cultural patterns repeat, while history does as well.
10. Compostmodernism is a slap to neo-capitalism and its force fed illusion of artistic novelty for mass consumption.
11. Compostmodernism and its practice are active tools in a healing process that helps us trace the arbitrarily harmful narrative of colonialism and make principled changes to the present.
12. In an attempt to trace where we and our ideas originated, Compostmodernism refuses blatantly naive plagiarism and promotes honest appreciation of our human ancestors.
13. Compostmodernism is a step towards media literacy and individual cognitive agency in the age of inundative information and instant gratification.
14. Compostmodernism is a reconciliation of Postmodernism's open void of signification; an active awareness that language, symbols and their interpretations are both flexible and constantly in de/construction.
15. Rather than attempting to reinvent the wheel, Compostmodernism connects pre-existing dots to help us build a current picture.