“Deep Listening: Re-Wilding” is a geolocational audio walk composed for the Climate Care Festival, as hosted by the Floating E.V, Berlin. The piece is a text based composition, which engages active participants through a series of potentially thought provoking questions- questions that pertain to nature, wildness and human perception thereof. 50% of the composition lies within the audio walk and its questioning content, while the other 50% is in the mind and contemplation of each individual participant.
To access the audio walk, please follow me.
Climate Care is a festival engaged with theory and practice at the intersection of climate challenges, ethics of care and environmental humanities. Emerging from weathering the conditions of its site, the program is a result of in-depth cohabitation with the constructed water infrastructure, its human culture and its multispecies overlays.
Curated by Gilly Karjevsky & Rosario Talevi.
For more on the Climate Care festival and the Floating E.V, head here.